Dude there are some weird things people search for that lead to my blog.Seriously.They're not even on my page.Please stop.You know which search terms you are.Anyway, I've been ridiculously sick all week, which leads to copious amounts of marathoning fueled by cold medicine.You have been warned.
All images are from , and there are spoilers up to the episodes listed!
See, I told you.I never sit down and watch this many episodes of a show in a row, but I've been consistently going back to PHI BRAIN all week when I haven't been knocked unconscious by Nyquil.This is not a show I would have normally picked up; all the characters are ugly, the art style is just atrocious yet, here I sit watching episode after episode.The story is based around this genius named Kaito who is crazy good at puzzles.He solves this one that tries to kill him, and then gets this armband which stimulates his brain to make him crazier good at puzzles.Then there's this puzzle league where people create these death traps masquerading as puzzles that may or may not have prizes attached but you can only get them if you don't die.I guess it's almost survival game-ish?Maybe that's why I like it?I have no idea, but I can't stop watching it.There are three seasons, so it's going to take me awhile, but I'm ready for the ride.Also, it has one of the greatest opening theme songs I've ever heard.I've literally had two bars of it stuck in my head since I started watching at the beginning of the week.The opening sucks, but the song is amazing.I'm banking on finishing the first season this week, so we'll see what happens after I plow through it.
So there were some giants fighting and one giant killed the other, and then some enemies came all up in here and started trapping people by capturing them in wax, and all Zoro wanted to do was make an awesome pose that's about all I can remember.I switched a disc?So I'm on the last one of collection three.Yippee?Don't worry, I have a bunch of Christmas presents to wrap, so I plan on moving to collection four before the holiday.On a side note, I hope Funimation decides to release more ONE PIECE collections; I don't want to change box art to have to continue the series in the stupidly overpriced voyage format.Yuck.
This is what has replaced NARUTO as the show I watch before I go to sleep until I get another set in, and since I've spent most of this week in various stages of sleep and insomnia, I watched a lot of YU-GI-OH.AND THE TOURNAMENT IS OVER.And what a tournament it was.Mai (who is the best character) copped out of her duel with Yugi, Joey beat that weirdo guy with the machine cards, and then it was Joey vs. Yugi in the Pokemon finals wait.Wrong show.Anyway, since they got on the goddamned island, I was like, "Yugi doesn't care about money.Why doesn't he just give Joey the money if he wins?"I guess Joey would have been a shitty Duel Monsters player forever if that happened, and we wouldn't have been treated to the most ridiculous montage ever before Joey and Yugi got it on, but what happens at the end?Yugi gave Joey the money.Called it.Oh yeah, and then Yugi fights Pegasus, which dragged on for five episodes, I fell asleep a lot, the end.If you didn't know who was gonna win this battle then I don't know what to tell you.
Apparently this week was all about card game anime.Unfortunately, this one sucks.I only got through the first two episodes, but the game was so complicated that I really couldn't follow along.Also, it starts with bullying, and that's never fun.CARDFIGHT VANGUARD is less magical millennium puzzles and more stupid fight sequences, but it's really boring.And now that I've started it, I'm gonna have to finish it, and I'm dreading my life because the first season alone is 65 episodes.It'd be so much easier if this had a dub but I really hope it never gets one.I mean, if this gets licensed before, oh, let's say, the amazingness that is CHIHAYAFURU, I will just hurt somebody.
Random surfing through the Funimation Roku Channel brought me to this, but, honestly, I've been trying to watch this for quite awhile, although I couldn't tell you why.And now that I've seen the first episode I still can't tell you why.I can't even give you a plot summary because all I remember is that it's about these two girls who work together to shoot monsters and then one of them turns into a monster.I know, I'm not very helpful.The dub was good?Does that help?If I randomly surf through there trying to find something else to watch, I'll go check out another couple episodes and try to get a better read on this.
Well, I did it.I finally broke down and purchased the entire SHANA series.Amazon AND Right Stuf were having sales so I had to take advantage of that.I re-started season one and the only thing I can think of is that the male protagonist is voiced by the same guy who played the guy in BLACK LAGOON.Seeing as I hated BLACK LAGOON, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.But basically, he's not a human, but he has treasure inside of him, so Shana, who's not a human either, but is named after her sword that she flails around like a bad ass, follows him around, I am guessing, to grab his treasure once he fades away.The story is kind of hard to follow, mainly because I have no idea what's going on.I mean, most of the people who are "torches" like the main dude fade out within a day and are pretty much zombies, but he's very cognizant and knows what's going on.I don't know.The blu-ray of season 1 looks like crap, though.The picture is not crisp, at all.I mean, I know this anime is older, but damn.
Yes, I'm still doing it.I'm attempting to finish the entire SAILOR MOON series before the new one starts.Supposedly, it's going to happen next month, but since we've seen absolutely no promo for it except that it's going to only air on the internet .come on.Please happen.Don't disappoint me.Anyway, this group of episodes contains my absolute favorite ones that I have seen so far, including Haruka's back story and the episode where Uranus and Neptune "die" because they find out they have talismans inside of them.Sorry, I'm not sorry, but Sailor Uranus is my favorite senshi.And I love her and Neptune together.God.My heart.The feels.They are perfect.Go and watch this whole block of episodes and tell me you don't love them.This also has the Crazy Minako episode where she gives all her blood away until Eugeal shoots her with her giant rifle, and the one where Usagi gets drunk and everyone tries to speak really poor English.BEST EPISODES EVER.
And that's it from me.I hope you have a nice holiday if you celebrate it this week, and if not, I hope you get some time off work.And don't drink the egg nog.That shit is just gross.
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