* Thanks to Mecha-Shiva for the cool Pacific Rim-inspired logo art. I did the coloring myself this time! I think it came out pretty well. (You may need to refresh once or twice to see the logo). I thought about calling it "Poecific Rim," but decided that might be confusing to first-time visitors.
* Doomkick has a coolof those neat, cheap Chap Mei toys.
* Here's Michael Crawford's of Mezco's new stylized 9Creature from the Black Lagoon figure. I was excited for this, but now I'm on the fence.
*is working on a new magazine, The Haunted Toybox. The first issue is scheduled to feature Mego Mad Monsters, Lego Monster minifigures, Monster in my Pocket, Inhumanoids, Suckerman, It from the Pit, and so forth. If you're interested, be sure to let him know on .
* Part 2 of the Castle Grayskullman comic from is .
* The Robot's Pajamas has a briefon the upcoming comic created by former ToyFare editor (and current Hasbro PR guy) Justin Aclin. Called S.H.O.O.T. First, it's about a team of atheists who battle supernatural threats they don't believe in.
* Here's a of Mattel's SDCC exclusive Batusi Batman. This now exists, people. This now exists.
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